Welcome, To The World Of Tomorow!

Welcome to my blog about Club Penguin. Enjoy! (that is an order) JK, JK.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Yes, yes, I have been gone for a while, I was researching for a post,  but here's a recap of what has happened while I was on blog vacation:

  • Puffles have HATS now! to the left, you can see my puffle, Cheerios, wearing a princess hat :D YEY!
  • Halloween party on NOW! If you're ready for a spooky suprise, go to the haunted house!  My favorite room is the snow forts, where there are houses set up where you can trick or treat.
  • Find GARY in the forest, Haunted House, or the Secret Lab. (will get pic soon of Gary.)


  1. Oh my gosh! I'm sooo excited over the cute lil hats!

  2. I know! There simply ADORABLE! Oh, and thanks again for commenting :D
